miércoles, 27 de abril de 2011

Languages and currency in Ceuta

Ceuta is located in the South-West of Europe (Spain) and North Africa.
Spanish is the most spoken language in Ceuta, although people also speak other languages due to trade, tourism and the fact that there are different cultures coexisting in our City.
The second most spoken language is Arabic since the Muslim population here is very large.
The Spanish language spoken in Ceuta is similar to that spoken in the rest of the Peninsula. It is not exactly the same since the accent is very different to the one in Andalusia and much more similar to the one spoken in Mexico or Argentina. It is not only in accent, but also in the use of certain words.
Arabic is widely spoken in Ceuta due to the large Muslim population that we have but also because Ceuta borders with Morocco. People in Morocco also speak French and this is why it is not strange to hear people speaking in French in the streets.

There are two other minor cultures in Ceuta: Indian who speak Indian and English and Jews who speak Hebrew.

Photo taken from:

Photo taken from:

Nowadays it is surprising that Chinese is also spoken in our city, but this is, above all, because of Chinese traders.

Also, different currencies have been used in Ceuta in the past (for example “pesetas”) but now we use the Euro (€) because the European Economic Community introduced it in Europe. One of the reasons that the system currency changed was because it is easier to move all around Europe using the same currency.

Nyhad M.
Mohamed M. K.
Moshaab M.
Mª de África M.

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